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(my humble contribution to the blogosphere)

Welcome to my first blog

Posted by Schnecke on July 23, 2007

Hello world!! I have no idea of what my blog should be like because I do not visit blogs very often. Anyway, I promise to do my best..

This is my first attempt to create a blog. My intention is to write about interesting stuff that I happen to find mostly by chance. This is not a specialized blog. This blog is about things that do not have any importance for 90% of the world but which I find interesting for one reason or another. 

I am an ESL teacher in Spain and I really want to start up a blog for my students next year (in September-October 2007) to help them through their learning of English. So, the idea is to use this first blog to overview the possibilities of blogs and have fun while I’m at it…

It is possible that I do not have the chance to write every day here, but I will try.

I read recently somewhere two useful tips that I would like to share with you:

First one was: – writing a blog (or a novel, or articles for newspapers…) needs a routine. Each one should decide the best routine for him/herself. I think I read it somewhere in Stephen Downes’s Half an Hour blog http://halfanhour.blogspot.com/ (I may not have read it there but have a look at that wonderful blog, it has some really interesting articles).

Second one came from the Blog Traffic King, Yaro Starak http://www.blogtrafficking.com/, and the tip was: write every day and answer to all those who write comments on your blog.

As a first post I think that could do, but I will give out my first own piece of advice: If you find something interesting on the internet SAVE IT STRAIGHT AWAY!! Cut/paste it in a doc word, tag it as Favourite or do it your own way, but DO IT, because it is amazing how easily you find something by chance while surfing on the net and HOW DIFFICULT it is to reach the same point on a different day…  That happened to me yesterday for the last time: I started this blog, I found “somewhere” instructions to introduce a link inside the text. I didn’t save the page and left the blog without writing anything. Now I want to insert a link in the text and don’t know how.

I will appreciate any comments about the blog and especially hints and advice about the basics of a blog.

Blog to you soon.

3 Responses to “Welcome to my first blog”

  1. Welcome to the blogosphere. 🙂

  2. dianamoya said

    Bunch of thanks to Stephen Downes for his dropping by and his “welcome” to the blogosphere… and being a newcomer I feel now more entitled to humbly/clumsily? participate in this evergrowing community. 🙂

  3. Morgan said

    What a surprise! You are very welcome schnecke! I hope you don´t miss in your new trial. You know I`m there for what you want. I´m very happy because your new blog. See you this evening.

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